About 'The Original' Collection
“The Original” was first a capsule that we launched in 2012. Today it remains our best-seller and is still called “The Original” collection.
Its little sister collection is named “The Original Heart”. This time we placed the logo on your heart, the collection has existed since 2020.’
Both keep on evolving each season, with new colors, new cuts…
Brussels, mid of the Eighties , graffitis were hatching on walls in the city center. This new spraycan art activity quickly focussed its activities on the use of Stencils.
As World Capital of comics, Brussels’s most famous stencil was Blake and Mortimer’s Yellow Mark. They were everywhere in town. Every day on my way to school I was hoping, looking for any new mark left during the night.
At that time night was like a dream to me, it felt like Freedom. Still being a kid, I couldn’t wait to discover my city at night.

In my souvenir it didn't last more than a few seconds… a Mirage. A dream within a dream. The stencil was a cartoon. A drawing of a drunk man hanging on to a streetlight to not fall on the pavement, at night. Next to it it was written : “Demain, il fera jour.”
This moment is an important step in my life. It taught me that one can be an adult and remain young. It showed me the practice of Art. It showed me a moment of freedom. It was romantic, and the light was magical, cinematic. It was night.
At a time in my life when home was a difficult place to live, to say the least, I found that my escape was my city at night, in hopes of a better tomorrow, somewhere.
“Demain, il fera jour.” was the initiation rite to my own life. A life of possibilities.